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The Table

The table has become a very popular topic it seems. Some men feel like woman should bring to the table the same as they do. Some women feel that they bring something different and the man should have the lead financially . And then there are those that feel like they are partners so everything should be split down the middle.

But the real question is, does any of this matter? All the technicalities surrounded by what a man or a woman brings doesn’t seem relevant when two people are in love wit each other. It seem to be the justification when one or both people are trying to find the logic in why they are in a relationship.

When two people are in love (not just love each other) but in love with each other the table is rarely a discussion. Spending more time motivating each other to be their best selves will be the focus leaving no room for “the table” discussions. They will both be busy motivating each other to reach their ultimate goals.

What makes a couple successful? In my opinion it is working towards the same common goal and that is to reach their individual goals. We all have said what we will or won’t do. But in the presence of real love all that ish goes out the window. So as far as the table if you find yourself reasoning with yourself or others about the table reasons you’ve chosen your partner then you should choose again.

I’m not saying it isn’t important for both parties to contribute. But what I am saying is that the focus will never be the table when true love is present. The focus will be more on each other and less on the table.

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