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Reiki promotes deep relaxation…and why that’s important 

Reiki promotes deep relaxation? Reiki therapy has been growing tremendously in the past few years. More people are becoming aware of this natural healing modality. So what that means is there are a lot more questions being asked, and the one that I am often asked is what does Reiki do?Well, Reiki puts the body in a deeply relaxed state. This is important because this state is how the mind, body, and spirit activate its healing process. One would think that when you’re sleeping your body also activates this healing and yes it does for a person that gets the proper diet and the right amount of sleep so that the body can go into that relaxed state. Now don’t get it twisted, just because you are sleep doesn’t mean that your body is in a relaxed state. And I say this because if you are asleep and you are having a dream let’s say your running in your dream then guess what? Yes, you got it, even while your sleep your body is using every muscle and function needed to run so there for your not in a relaxed state and the body had not activated the healing process.

There is a saying “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” or “No Sleep Gang” I hear it used a lot and I wonder if those using it realizes that no sleep will guarantee death. Because rather it’s a mental task or physical one the only way the body can perform at its highest level possible is if it is able to constantly fix and repair it self daily or you will find yourself running in a circle.

I have been a Reiki Master Teacher/ student for 7 plus years and rather it’s me or someone else you connect with, get you a session so you can start your journey to building a better you.

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